Who is Sterric?

I, Sterric (1993, Amsterdam, The Netherlands), make comics.
I draw short stories, long stories, wide stories and narrow stories. I write stories for young, old and those in-between.
I draw bloody and passionate stories, sad stories, happy stories.
I write stories until the word "story" no longer looks like a word.

The challenge of finding the right aesthetic for the narrative I'm trying to tell is what drives me. Every comic I make is unique with their own colours, lines and feelings.

They (Who are "they"? People? Birds?) say there are two kinds of artist: The chameleon and the peacock. The Peacock flaunts their visual style, priding themselves in their recognisable aesthetic. The chameleon changes their style based on their environment. Changing based on the story they are trying to tell. ("They" might actually be reptiles then.)

I, Sterric, am a chameleon.

Trained as an illustrator at the Willem de Kooning academy in Rotterdam (WdKA), I was taught to think critically about all the stories I tell. Getting tired of all that critical thinking I skipped the ocean to do some technical thinking about comics at the School of visual arts in New York City. (SVA) Getting tired of all that technical thinking I skipped back to WDKA where I graduated Cum Laude with a bachelor in Illustration and a graphic novel slated for publishing.

Somewhere before all that I studied to be a game designer and graduated with a degree in game Art&Design, following that degree I worked in the game industry for a little bit. But finding I still had so much to learn about what it means to be an artist I chose a new path to focus on the narrative art of comic books. But maybe, somewhere, I still hold a glimmer of nostalgia and hope to one day once more collaborate on the making of a video game.

Right now I make my home in Rotterdam where I'm working on my next graphic novel as well as working as a freelance cartoonist and illustrator. On the "Publications" tab you can find the books my work has been featured in.

Hear my human voice

Book me for a workshop?

Click here to contact my agent for public speaking and workshops in the Netherlands.
(I am a native Dutch speaker.)

For international bookings please contact me personally through the contacts below.
(I am a fluent English speaker.)

Wish to have a casual conversation instead?
I advice sending me a private message through instagram.
Best results guaranteed, I love having casual conversations!


Illustration @ Sterric .com
+31 6 16 01 00 51